2022 CareChex Awards Have Been Released!
CareChex Awards by Quantros are based on our peer-reviewed quality scoring system that compares inpatient quality performance across all general, acute care, non-federal hospitals in the nation.
Relying on both public and proprietary measures of performance, the Quality Outcomes & Ratings module compares the quality of hospital and physician care to national and state standards using a variety of clinical indicators to assign a proprietary Composite Quality Score and Rating.
Unlike other rating systems, CareChex provides a comprehensive analysis of medical quality and DOES NOT incorporate any self-reported data.
Questions? Click here to schedule time for a personal CareChex Awards one-on-one.
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Healthcare Quality Awards REVOLUTIONIZED

Powered by our proprietary
Outcomes Analytics solution

Scores do not include any self-reported or survey data

Tested for statistical significance resulting in clear differentiation